Our programs were designed to inspire and enrich the lives of the people who get involved and those they encounter their after. Below are some of the powerful; and for some, life changing programs HHCH offers.

Youth Summer Leadership Program
This two-week long program focuses on youth leadership and continued learning during the summer. Participants will learn skills that will help them personally and socially. Not only will the students be enriched by knowledgeable volunteers who are experts in their field of learning and education, but they will enjoy field trips chosen to provoke team building and engagement with others they might not have otherwise interacted with.
Backpack to School
This is an annual program that was brought about to help parents who struggle to provide the basic school supplies to their children at the beginning of a year. School supply donations equip students of low income families and title 1 school districts with the supplies they need to have a productive start of a school year.
My Friends Closet (clothing exchange)
From cyber bullying to bullying at school, some youth are unfortunately more likely to be bullied because of the clothes they can afford; making them targets for bullying and harassment. We want to help curb that by offering youth a safe place to pick up new and gently used clothing at no cost to them.
Sock Drive
With a large population of homeless men, women and teens in Santa Clara County, the sock drive was started to provide warm socks to the homeless and needy. HHCH partners with local charities to donate the socks to in order to make sure we reach as many people in need as we can.
Bare Essentials Kits
HHCH knows basic necessities are essential to any human. With that, we have partnered with dentist offices, individuals and local business owners to donate tooth brushes, toothpaste, deodorant, wet naps, tee shirts, sanitary products, waters and snacks. These kits are assembled by our volunteers and distributed to the those in need.
Sleeping Bag Drive
Cold weather warnings puts HHCP on alert as we know how low temperatures drop and what that means for the homeless community. We are on a mission to provide sleeping bags to Santa Clara Counties homeless population to help keep them warm and dry at night.
Dress for Success
Over the year we offer several opportunities for men and women to participate in career fair events and activities. Participants can learn from our professional volunteers about what to wear to an interview along with how to interview. In partnership with local businesses and boutiques, we can provide business and business casual clothing at these events to working adults who need some assistance.
To learn more about ways to get involved...